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Meet One Stop Grow Shop – Retailer of the Month Q&A

Posted: 3 years ago

Who is One Stop Grow Shop?

We’re One Stop Grow Shop, the UK’s leading Hydroponics & Horticulture specialists.

How did you get your first few customers?

Way back in 2004, we were located in a small unit, only a stones throw away from where we are now where our customer base was built up on trust and amazing advice from our owner, Joe.

Give us a growing tip you think our followers should know?

Customers from all over the midlands would visit all the way to a small Stoke on Trent based store, and we had to scale up with the demand, where we moved to our current unit.

Our biggest tip is maintain your environment; perfect your environment, and you’ll smash your yields.

How is life after lockdown any changes?

Life after “Lockdown” is no different for us. All the way through, we knuckled down and made sure we could ship the thousands of orders out to our online customers everyday. We’ve come out of the other side even closer than we were before and still giving the highest quality service in the UK.

Is there anything you are promoting currently, anything fun to keep an eye out for?

We’re currently showcasing some of our favourite nutrients online (Shogun happened to be one of them!). But, we’re always running great promos showcasing the best upcoming products in the UK!

What is your favourite products in the SHOGUN range?

Our favourite Shogun product, where do we start! Sumo Boost is ALWAYS going to be the king, but, we’re massive fans of the Zenzym too!

What makes the One Stop Grow Shop different to everyone else?

We’re different because quite simply, we care ALOT about the customers and the level of service we provide. We’re the UKs highest rated grow shop on Trustpilot and we’re only growing, and give the confidence to anybody ordering online that their goods are arriving on-time, discreetly and we’re always there to help them should they need it.

  • Superior Product
    Made in Britain
  • Supercharging Plant
    Growth Innovation
  • Research Driven by
    Dr. Callie Seaman
  • Independent 3rd
    Party Lab Tested